Regular Checkups Are Essential
Take advantage of our free Pick up and Delivery for all Tune-ups until Feb 28, 2023
Winter is the perfect time to clean up your bike and ensure it’s ready for spring cycling. Check out our service packages online then drop off your bike for some TLC.
Race Tune-Up
Race Tune-Up includes:
Drive train lube (chain & gears)
Brake cables, derailleur cables, derailleur pivot points are lubed
Brakes adjusted and align pads/shoes
Gears adjusted (front & rear derailleur/shifters)
Check and tighten all bolts, nuts and fasteners
Tires checked for wear, cuts and punctures
Tire pressure checked and adjusted
Standard Tune-Up
Race Tune-Up Plus:
Cleaning of the bike
Drive train lube (chain & gears)
Brake cables, derailleur cables, derailleur pivot points are lubed
Wheels trued and spoke tension checked (individually in truing stand)
Brakes adjusted and align pads/shoes
Gears adjusted (front & rear derailleur/shifters)
Head set and bearings adjusted
Hubs/cones and bearings adjusted
Bottom bracket and crank adjusted
Check and tighten all bolts, nuts and fasteners
Tires checked for wear, cuts and punctures
Tire pressure checked and adjusted
Complete Overhaul
Advanced Tune-Up plus:
Drivetrain removal and cleaning
Drivetrain reinstallation, inspection, and fine-tuning
Shop Bike Tools
Shop All Bike Lubes & Cleaners
Shop Bike Workstands
Expert Repair & Maintenance
Have questions or need one of our team members to take a look, connect with our service department today! Minor adjustments to major overhauls, our professional technicians can do it all.
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